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 Chicago, Award Winning felt artist, Tammy Deck Chicago, Suburban chicago area, felt making instruction, felting skills beginner through advanced, nuno felt instructions, felt scarf classes and supplies, felt hat making instruction, chicago area, westmont, a suburb of chicago, Tammy Deck Illinois, Tammy Deck IL, Felt Making, wool for felt making, feltmaking supplies, merino wool for felt making, felt shawls, felt making kits and supplies



Hand Painted Silk Chiffon with wool yarns and fibers felted through.  

NO SEWING (unless you want to embellish them)



(L) Tammy's Hat featured in "Belle Armoire" Magazine / Summer 2003
 Constructed from felted chiffon fabric  (R)  The Scarf Tammy created on "Crafters Coast to Coast" show Airing Spring/Summer 2005


In Westmont, Illinois

Here's a student working on her piece at the TLD Design Center 

This is Tammy's Studio Location...Felting classes occur regularly throughout the year.  Scroll down to see other Felting classes offered in different venues.

To view Westmont, IL Felting Classes, click here




The following photos are from Tammy's classes during the 2006 Midwest Felting Symposium


Laminated Felt Hat Making:  


(L) Bettina rubs the edge of her hat brim  

(R) Terri works on her crown fabric

Lynn is rolling her crown fabric 



Devony is throwing her crown fabric

Terri is constructing a wire armature for the crown


Laminated Felt Scarf Making:

Fayla and Carol rolling their laminated felt scarves




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